Saturday, January 16, 2010

New Years and Other Excitement

We never posted a New Years post so.... Happy 2010 to all 5 (10?) readers! Your devotion to my subpar prose and endless boring trip reports is remarkable and appreciated!

Nothing very exciting has been going on here. My job granted me a five day weekend for New Years and Katie got a "measly" four days. We spent New Years Eve at home and shared a bottle of wine that Katie got from one of her customers at work. That weekend was pretty snowy so we mostly stayed inside and I watched a bunch of college football bowl games. The Humanitarian Bowl was the most memorable as the Idaho Vandals achieved a last-second victory over the Bowling Green Falcons. Somewhere in there we watched the movie Up In The Air, which we both enjoyed. It has lots of corporate black humor which is a bountiful comedy gold mine these days. We also had a nice breakfast with Gary and Bonnie at Addie's on Sunday.

Last weekend we saw Avatar 3D. The visuals definitely lived up to the hype and it was easy to believe the computer-generated planet was real. However the story was pretty formulaic. Overall it was a good movie but I don't consider it the landmark of cinema that some perceive it to be.

Yesterday (Friday) we both attended my company's holiday party... it was held at a faux castle called Castle Gardens. The food (mystery fish, salad, potatoes, veggies, bread) was great and so was the open bar. The facility was modern and open and had a decor heavy on medieval themes - suits of armor, tapestries featuring knights, chalices used as water glasses, etc. Overall it was a great venue for a party with 50-100 people.

Today we ran some errands and had a nice lunch at the Boise Fry Company. I had Red Lady Fries for the first time... they were yummy and comparable in quality to the Yukon Golds which are my reigning favorite. My bison burger and Katie's vegan burger were both great too.

Right now I'm watching the NFL playoffs and the game is super boring. I can also see the Christmas tree staring at me wondering why it has been able to stay up so long. Perhaps that is the next project to undertake?

1 comment:

  1. That's ok Zach - Grandma just took her "tree" (all 24 inches of it) down yesterday so you are not to far behind. Sounds like I should see those movies. I will be in CR for mine so will miss my annual movie. Guess I will have to make it up another time.
