Monday, April 9, 2012

What has Claire been up to?

Hi to all our lovely readers! We hope all 2 of you had a great Easter weekend..ours was pretty quiet - we had a very nice Easter brunch with Gary & Bonnie at the Original Pancake House and Claire played with some Easter eggs that Zach & I had coloured (or "colored" for all our American readers) the night before. Really, she just tried to eat the eggs & faceplanted into my Easter basket! You can check out the video footage of this ridiculousness below!

In other Claire news, this past week has been full of excitement! First off, she had her 6 month checkup & shots, and she is currently weighing in at 16lbs 9oz (60th percentile for weight) and 27" long (90th percentile for height!!) Her height isn't too surprising considering all of her tall family members on both sides! Clearly she doesn't take after me in that regard! She had to get 2 shots & take a liquid Rotavirus vaccine, and she did very well - only cried for about 10 seconds after the shots.

This past Thursday, Claire & I went to The Little Gym to take an introductory class with other 4-10 month old babies...she seemed to really enjoy it, and we both got to meet some new babies & moms. The class focuses on developmental skills, using music, gymnastic mats & equipment, and fun things like scarves, balls & bubbles...Claire was fascinated by the bubbles! She really only started to fuss in the last 5 minutes or so, probably due to a little overstimulation! Before we knew it, 45 minutes had flown by & class was over. Their season lasts for another 8 weeks, so we've signed up for the remaining classes & we'll see how it goes! Should be pretty fun!

In other news, as of Friday night, Claire has started to cut her two bottom teeth! She doesn't seem too bothered by them most of the time, but occasionally is a little clingy/fussy & tends to have a tough time in the wee hours of the morning, getting back to sleep...which is lovely for Mom & Dad, too!

That's about all we have to are some pictures & video...enjoy!

Claire Easter Pictures!

Claire Jumparoo Video
Claire Playmat Video Part 1
Claire Playmat Video Part 2
Claire Eats Avocado
Claire Wants a Beer Video
Claire Easter Video
Sippy Cup Video


  1. Thanks so much for sharing Claire's activities. She is sooooo cute!!!


  2. Cute little girl! Kate is that your old Easter basket? Did Grandma/GG make that for you waaaay back when?
    Claire was not at all sure of the avocado - just like (Gr)AC - guess she is not old enough yet (although I am now).

  3. Hi AC - yep, good eye! That's my Easter basket that Grandma/GG's been around for a few years! Claire's still pretty unsure about the avocado, but she had bananas the other day for the first time & seemed to loooove them (don't worry, there will be video footage posted, since we can't do anything Claire-related without taking video of it!)

  4. I love Claire videos, and am waiting for the "Claire eats bananas":) She is the cutest baby ever!!
