Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Becoming an Old Man

This year I had a "major birthday".  I pondered arranging some kind of humdinger of a celebration.  But with a winter birthday and kids in school it's hard to get motivated to do anything too ambitious.  I instead opted for a relaxing day with some snowshoeing and family time!

After a late morning start I snowshoed two small peaks (Peak 5443, Little Camas Peak) off of US-20 east of Mountain Home.  This is all part of a grand scheme to summit 40 peaks this year (I'm already at 9!).  Snow conditions were good with a few inches of powder over a supportive base.  However conditions were brisk with temperatures around 20℉ and a steady wind.  Views were pretty good however some low clouds were swirling around and the higher peaks were mostly shrouded.  After about two hours of snowshoeing, I was ready to warm up and get home!

After doing just that I opened my awesome birthday gifts.  Thank you everyone for thinking of me!  Dinner was at the Homestead Bar and Grill and consisted of a Buffalo Chicken Sandwich and some Old Rasputin on Nitro (which was part of my last "major birthday" as well!).  At home, we all enjoyed the lovely vanilla and chocolate cake that Katie made.  Unsurprisingly, it was delicious!!

A final detail is that my birthday is also National Drink Wine Day.  To honor this occasion Katie and I shared a tasty White Burgundy I happened to have.  While getting old is no fun, I had a great time doing it!

Zach Turns 40 Photos!
Peak 5443 GPS Track
Peak 5740 GPS Track