Saturday, June 29, 2019

On Turning 41

Back on June 18th, I celebrated yet another birthday! I was lucky to wake up to a beautiful sunny day, and I got to spend the morning watching the girls' swimming lessons, and end the day by having a great dinner with Zach and the girls, as well as some delicious cake. For dinner, I chose one of our favourite restaurants - Gramercy Park Pizza Grill - and then we went home for cake and presents! The girls chose the cake & they did an excellent job - white cake with raspberry filling, and it was a big hit with the whole family.
All in all, it was a wonderful 41st birthday, and I'm glad I got to spend it with 3 of my very favourite people!

Here are some pictures of the cake, because as we all know, that's the main event!

Birthday Cake & Silly Kids!

1 comment:

  1. The girls did a great job of choosing a cake, and I like your choice of clothing:)
